Monday, February 04, 2008

They keep lining up... knock McCain down. Buchanan is the latest to pen a scathing critique of McCain. He re-hashes many of the same points raised by Rush, Coulter, etc., but also paints a bleak picture of a strong continued neo-con/nation-building presidency if McCain is elected. In his words, McCain will be "...a war president."

I go back to a point I made earlier: all these attacks on McCain--without concurrent identification of who we should support and why--are doing nothing to help the party. Railing against McCain if you disagree with him is fine, so long as you nominate a more preferable candidate and explain why. Otherwise, you are just being a liberal, complaining about a situation without offering a solution. And, more importantly, if you can't clearly identify someone who is far better than McCain on your issues of importance, then why denigrate him in the first place? I would like to see Buchanan, Rush, Coulter and others at least state who they think is a better choice (or multiple candidates if they believe any of 2 or 3 are better), even if they will not officially endorse anyone.


Fredo said...

You make an excellent point, and of course the reality is that each of these folks is going scorched earth for different reasons. Rush has been thunderously silent in his failure to endorse Romney, and it just leaves one thinking that he wants a Dem president because it makes good radio to have an enemy. Coulter is nuts, so who the heck knows what she thinks. Buchanan is a paleocon without a viable candidate, though I would venture a guess that his heart is with the candidate his magazine (AmericanConservative) has endorsed: Ron Paul.


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