Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Congratulations, Mr. President

Godspeed to you. Under your leadership, I pray that our great nation will continue to be a beacon of freedom and opportunity to the world.

While you are President of all Americans, I agree with Senator McCain that this should, once and for all, lay to rest any ideas that Americans see candidates as defined by their race, or for that matter, by their gender or ethnicity. We are a tolerant, good people that take our civic responsibilities with the utmost seriousness. While I did not support your candidacy, I have no doubt of your intellect and judicious temperment, which should serve the nation well. I can certainly see why many of my compatriots supported you.

You will assume the office of the Presidency in January, 2009. In 233 years, merely 8 or 9 generations, we have been able to attain great success as a people, thanks to the acculumulated sacrifices of many Americans, known and unknown. Please remember, as you approach your new responsibilities, that our nation has succeeded because of our political, economic and cultural heritage. And that heritage is now, at least partially, in your hands.

I know you seek "change." Make that change tactical and not fundamental. The gift of our heritage has been bought at a great price. Let's not discount that cost or the great benefits that it has provided us.



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