Saturday, November 01, 2008

Obama: The Emperor Cometh

Let's remember, this is the guy who voted for every firearm ban he could. He's also the guy who believes in "vote early, vote often", as our recurring Tammany watch feature has documented. And now, he tells us, right to our face, that he wants to recruit a new Gestapo:

Could Obama just be another garden variety leftist, who will merely set back our economic recovery a few years and a few % points of GDP? Perhaps. But it's also possible he could be something much, much worse. Someone like FDR who fundamentally reshapes the populace's ideas about what American government is, and is supposed to be. About what is Constitutionally acceptable action for the federal government.

But of course, FDR, for all his flaws, was fundamentally a patriot who believed in victory when war was upon us. Obama's values? Somewhat different. How far will he/would he go?

A few creative YouTube users have offered us some ideas:



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