Monday, November 03, 2008


Tomorrow is decision day. While I'm sure most of you are decided on how you're voting, I feel obligated in the midst of this extraordinary election cycle to give you all, as people I know and care about, my two cents. Because our countrymen seem on the verge of elevating to the White House a man who, a mere 4 years ago, was a virtual unknown to the nation.

Do we want wealth redistibution or do we want to incentivize and reward work? Do we want an expanding economy, or a higher tax bill on corporations and successful entreprenuers (the very folks who could be investing in PP&E, hiring more workers or raising wages)? Most of all, do we want someone like Senator McCain, who has a proven track record of laying his life, body and spirit, on the line for his country in the most difficult of circumstances?

McCain wants to protect our traditional economic liberty, promote free trade, keep taxes low to grow the economy, secure the border while protecting our heritage of lawful immigration, and keep supporters of terrorism on notice that we will not turn a blind eye to their actions (as opposed to meeting with dictators of terrorist-supporting states without preconditions).

Or do we want a guy with a breezy smile who talks about creating a national police force, redistributing private property, bankrupting our domestic energy industries, banning guns, and has supported infanticide?

Most importantly and ominously, Obama is a guy who takes positions out of convenience, not conviction, and will surround himself with left-wing ideologues. If you don't believe it, check out what his fellow Democrat (Rep.) Jerrold Nadler said in trying to "defend him" in Florida this past weekend. He finally admitted the truth...


Caboose said...

I am the national police force.

Brought to you by the smiling people who wanted Change.

Fredo said...

Wow. I'm not so worried anymore. Bring on the Brave New World, so long as I've got buds on the inside.


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