Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Vermont Republic

I was discussing the secession movement in Vermont with my Dad. While we were in agreement that it would probably be a net positive for the rest of the country if Vermonters went rogue, we also recognized that you can't allow secession to become acceptable. Every 5 seconds, some other state, county, village, or berg would be threatening to leave the country if they didn't get their way on this or that. Lincoln already won that battle. No need (or want) to refight it.

After pondering this dilemma for a few long hard seconds, I came up with a great idea. Let's not wait for Vermont to seceed. Let's just kick them out. Vote them off the island. Let Donald give 'em a "you're fired."

This way we don't create any secession rights, but get rid of the socialists. Would anyone really vote against getting rid of Pat Leahy and Bernie Sanders?

I didn't think so.


SheaHeyKid said...

Interesting timing, I just read the part of the Hamilton bio where the Whiskey rebellion was occurring in western PA. Hamilton wanted to move as quickly and strongly as possibly to crush the rebellion, lest it inspire other citizens to rise up and secede. Fearing the fragility of the newly formed nation and loathing chaos, he convinced Washington to show up in force. Indeed, it was one of the earliest demonstrations in this country of the ability to achieve peace through strength, much like the Cold War.


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