Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Stuff White People Like: America

I'm sure many of you are readers of the website, It was awesome to see No. 114 added to the list last night: America. The people that are parodied by the website are in a bit of an uproar.

Now that the Messiah has been anointed, a large group of urban white liberals are now, finally, proud again, or for the first time, to be Americans. They can hold their heads high when they travel to Europe for their next vacation and will not have to apologize for being an American.

That's the difference between us and them. I was proud to be an American two days ago, yesterday, and today. I don't agree with Obama, but it's great that a black person from such a humble and unique background has been elected president. President-elect Obama, you are truly "an only in America story", and remember you stand on the shoulder of giants ...

To Fredo, SHK, DC and others that have been posting here the last couple of days; you guys are true Americans and your passion for the country is exemplary. I look forward to reading more of your postings over the coming years. Let's hope the gains made by the Republicans over the last 28 years does not evaporate in the next 2 to 4.


SheaHeyKid said...

Europe has proven yet again what a bunch of whores they are. For the past few years we've had to hear that America is falling, going into decline, best days behind her, etc.

As recently as a week ago we were hearing stories about "the death" of American capitalism.

Now, Europe is bending over backwards and they can't kiss our ass fast enough. Everyone wants to be our friend again because we elected Obama. A feat, mind you, they wholeheartedly admit they are not even CLOSE to doing since they are such homogeneous, closed-minded societies.

Suddenly, just like that America is cool again and the leader and the one who will save the world and show them the way.

The difference between true Americans, and Europeans, is precisely what singlewing says. True Americans were proud of their country two years ago, two weeks ago, two days ago, today, and tomorrow. We have always been proud of our country, and will continue to be proud. The true strength of America is not one particular financial system or one particular foreign policy. It is, and always has been, our ability to react and respond and LEAD.

Stories about the demise of American capitalism and might are, as the saying goes, highly overrated. The fact is, what makes us so strong is our unique ability to rapidly recover from tough times, adjust, pick ourselves up and move forward. We have always done it and we always will.

To those who stuck with us along the way (Australia, eastern bloc, you know who you are), we continue to welcome you. To those who bailed on us in recent years and want back in, I say piss off and get in line like everyone else.

Fredo said...

Thanks SW, and here's to prolonging the era of supply-side prosperity that Americans have been enoying for roughly 25 years.

Lets hope the rough response the market has given President-elect Obama awakens him to the dangers of a "fundamental" restructuring of our economic policy. Certainly he has the right to "change." Elections have consequences. But hopefully he can be persuaded to be pragmatic.


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