Sunday, June 01, 2008

The Old Pros at Occ Obs

We've been at this a while...

From L to R:

Dark Commenteer, Shea Hey Kid, Fredo


SheaHeyKid said...

Nice, but where's my hat and chair?? Just another example of the man holding me down..

Fredo said...

C'mon don't you remember? You overslept for like the 6th straight saloon meeting, and D.C. was like, "let me guess--trip to Adventureland took a little longer than you thought."

dark commenteer said...

I thought SHK didn't get a chair so that he could show of his impressively high waistline--obviously he knows about the coming flood...

And I'm betting your ill-fitting hat went missing at Adventureland. I remember we got them at the hat store in the "clearance bin" for next to nothing which explains why we didn't get hats in our proper size...

Our boots, however, rock!


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