Thursday, June 19, 2008

So much for change

And it's official. Apparently "yes we can" reject earlier pledges to accept public financing once we have a huge private fundraising edge (is anything more disingenuous than the explanation Obama gives in this article??).


SheaHeyKid said...

Looks like I misspoke, indeed Obama IS about change according to this article: Barack Obama is now the first presidential candidate since Watergate to run a campaign entirely on private funds.

Fredo said...

This outcome was never in doubt.

Whether McCain can successfully contrast his record of clean-campaign reform (I'll be charitable) with Obama's record of Rezko-financed homes, excluding opponents from the ballot, and reneging on public financing remains to be seen.

Fredo said...

I'm sorry, allow me to reformulate that post.

This outcome was never in doubt as soon as it became obvious that he would have a 3-to-1 fundraising advantage and be able to raise seemlingly limitless amounts of $ through the internet.

When, over a year ago, he assumed McCain would outraise him, it seemed pretty likely that the Baummer would go for public financing.


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