Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Michelle Obama

I love quotes like this one from Mrs. Obama, almost makes it too easy for McCain to run:

"...for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country."

Wow, she must have lived a brutal life to have held that bleak a view of our country heretofore. So, let's learn more about her difficult life in the country she was never proud of before:

At 44, Michelle Obama would seem to be the poster child for opportunity in America. A daughter of the South Side possessing immense talent and discipline, she went from Princeton to Harvard to a silk-stocking Chicago law firm to public service and on to a six-figure job at one of Chicago's premier hospitals.

Interesting. Then again, I'm sure she could have had the same or better experience in any other country around the world; no reason to be proud that America afforded her those opportunities. Her experience is pretty much par for the course for people in all other countries.


Strawberry Girl said...

Michelle Malkin's Response to Michele Obama: Poor You. Forgetful You.


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