Tuesday, February 05, 2008

What does it all mean?

When you've got the largest names in conservative talk (Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Hugh Hewitt, and National Review) all strongly anti-McCain, and in several cases pro-Romney, yet McCain leads the polls, what does it mean? Is it that: a) the actual number of true conservatives, aligned with these pundits, is much smaller than anticipated, or b) the raw # of conservatives is large but many are choosing to vote for McCain on the premise that he is more electable, despite the talking heads.

On another note, if you have to pick one, would you rather have Hillary or Obama as president? I have to say, I'm not sure. Both are very liberal, so you're going to get higher taxes and spending either way. I was trying to listen to Hillary last night to see if I could tolerate four years of that, and it was brutal. Her voice is just very grating. Obama is a lot easier to listen to, but I believe has an even more liberal voting record than Hillary. Also, a big negative for Obama for me is that he is clearly the more cut-and-run in Iraq of the two, which I think would leave a disastrous power vacuum for Iran to step into. So on fiscal issues it's a wash, on GWOT/Iraq I think Hillary would be better, yet I can't stomach her plus I can't stomach Bill being back in the limelight.

Tough choice indeed. Any thoughts? I might actually have to lean Hillary just for national security purposes. And you'll have to excuse me for a moment, I just threw up in my mouth.


ManBeast said...

The way I look at the choice between Hillary and Obama is by trying to anticipate how much support they'll get for their liberal programs. The Dem establishment seems to be abandoning the Clintons at a fast pace. The Kennedys, John Kerry, etc. are lining up behind Obama. These facts plus SHK's point about Hillary being slightly better on GWOT leads me to loathe her slightly less than Obama.


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