Monday, July 14, 2008

Looking for an American Brew?

With the demise of A-B, it's time for Occ Obs to provide a PSA for those who still believe in the time honored credo of "Buy American, Drink American!"

The fact that I can offer you a brew that is family owned, with a long tradition, a clean crisp flavor, a reasonable price, and is brewed in the good ole US of A, only adds to the joy of doing my civic duty.

Without any further ado, please find your new (and for some of you, old) American beverage here.


SheaHeyKid said...

Can't go wrong with Yuengling, one of my favorites. The lager is solid, as is their version of black and tan. Especially when you get $3 pints on tap in Philly. Unfortunately Yuengling's nearly impossible to find in MA, so you need to bring it back from other states.

My call for American beer, Brooklyn, is available in most stores in MA. You can always get the lager and sometimes the brown ale and IPA. Only one that's hard to find is the '55 pennant ale, one of my favorites.

Fredo said...

Yuengling has expanded so fast and grown so large, if you don't have it up there you will soon. Just check out the company's history of expansion over the past 10 years.

While I like Brooklyn too, it's a bit more expensive--kind of a specialty brew like Sam Adams, as opposed to an affordable thirst quenching American Lager for the masses like Yuengling.


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