Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Taki's blog

This guy is half crazy, but all smarts. He co-founded "The American Conservative" with Pat Buchanan and Scott McConnell a few years back, and now has his own blog going. Check it out if your interested in hearing from a guy who's married to an Austrian Princess, has done lots of coke, slept with lots of women, is a fan of monarchy and aristocracy, loves America, loves Christianity but admits to failing every one of its tenets, is knocking other people's teeth out in his 70's, and prefers laissez-fair non-interventionist government.

Here's how he describes his blog:

"We want to reflect a traditional conservatism that prefers peace with honor to proxy wars, Western civilization to multicultural barbarism, Christendom to the European Union, and Russell Kirk to Leon Trotsky. This will undoubtedly infuriate many in the mainstream ‘conservative’ movement, who have transferred their loyalties elsewhere. It’s time to raise their blood pressure a few points—and help them burn off some of those five-course meals they’ve been eating down on K Street."


SheaHeyKid said...

Your description of him couldn't help but remind me of one of the greatest quotes from all time in the movie Arthur:

(said in a drunken slur)
I race cars, play tennis, and fondle women,... BUT! I have weekends off, and I am my own boss.


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