Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Buchanan lays the wood to Obama on his support of infanticide

See here. Key part:

Thrice in the Illinois legislature, Obama helped block a bill that was designed solely to protect the life of infants already born, and outside the womb, who had miraculously survived the attempt to kill them during an abortion. Thrice, Obama voted to let doctors and nurses allow these tiny human beings die of neglect and be tossed out with the medical waste.

How can a man who purports to be a Christian justify this?

If, as its advocates contend, abortion has to remain legal to protect the life and health, mental and physical, of the mother, how is a mother's life or health in the least threatened by a baby no longer inside her -- but lying on a table or in a pan fighting for life and breath?

How is it essential for the life or health of a woman that her baby, who somehow survived the horrible ordeal of abortion, be left to die or put to death? Yet, that is what Obama voted for, thrice, in the Illinois Senate.


SheaHeyKid said...

I definitely think this is a potentially devastating position to Obama that McCain and repubs haven't promoted yet, not sure if it's because they're waiting or they don't plan to use it. I don't see how they could choose to not use it.


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