Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hill just got her 3AM phone call

From Kavon at Race 4 2008:

Throughout the week, many here at R4′08 speculated as to what was holding up the announcement of Obama’s Vice Presidential selection. After all, why would you announce it on the weekend and throw away entire days of (most likely) fawning news coverage?

We received our answer at 3am EST time last night.

The man who wants to be our President is apparently so childish that specifically waited to release his choice at a time that would send a clear message to Hillary Clinton and the 18 million Democrats who voted for her. Last night, at 3am, Barack Obama looked every Democrat who supported Hillary Clinton in the eyes and gave them “The Finger”.

The questions for Hillary’s supporters are as follows: Are you going sit down and take this? Are you going to allow a man that is willing to conduct a presidential campaign in such a childish/infantile manner to become the President of our nation?

Seriously folks, if Obama can’t rise above acting like a 5 year-old towards his competitors in his own party, how the heck will he act if things don’t go his way with Ahmadinejad?


SheaHeyKid said...

I have to say, Obama's timing shows he is even dumber politically than I thought. This piece in CNN indicates just how pissed off Clinton supporters are that she wasn't even pretend vetted. Why, why, why would Obama want to go into the Democratic convention getting her supporters negatively fired up? This is supposed to be a big positive moment for Dems, to create momentum and give O! a boost. Instead, I think you're going to see a lot of bitter negativity from Clinton's supporters dragging down the whole convention.

McCain really couldn't have asked for a better situation.


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