Monday, August 04, 2008

This, my friends, is what complete, utter, and total capitulation looks like

From the WSJ:

BAGHDAD -- Hit by a government military crackdown and dwindling popular support, anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr is planning a major shift in strategy: re-branding and disarming the Mahdi Army by turning the militia into a civic and social service organization, a move that could further enhance the stability of Iraq.

In an introductory brochure obtained by the Journal and confirmed by Sheikh Salah al-Obeidi, Mr. Sadr's chief spokesman, the Mahdi Army will now be guided by Shiites spirituality as opposed to anti-American militancy. It will even get a new philosophy or guiding principle: al-Mumahidoon, meaning his supporters will be the foot soldiers of the Shiites messiah, Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi, who Shiites Muslims believe will return to rid the world of evil and injustice.

The brochure states the al-Mumahidoon will undertake an intellectual and scientific jihad that focuses on education, religion and social justice. It also says "It (the army) is not allowed to use arms at all."

My main take away from this is that Sadr came to the determination that every day he persisted in fighting us he was losing manpower and credibility, and that a complete "restructuring" was the only way to attempt to preserve his brand. This did not come to pass because Sadr experienced some sort of religious awakening that Islam does not allow for wanton violence. This came to pass because of our boot on his throat, plain and simple.

Victory. Kudos to the troops, to the President, and to Gen. Petraeus. Hope you all enjoy a tall cold one tonight.



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