Monday, August 25, 2008


So far it seems Obama has misplayed his hand on VP selection. Everything from the choice to the timing is looking negative. I've seen no glowing stories in MSM, and most today are focused either on: a tie in the polls (CNN), suggesting Biden does not give him any boost; stories about how Hillary supporters are even more embittered now and less likely to vote for Obama; stories about why the text message announcement didn't work and why did Obama wait until Sat am; about how the pick of Biden runs contrary to Obama's message of change and going away from Washington insiders; etc. This was a bad pick on many levels, the only positive is it gives Obama his attack dog.

In contrast, per Fredo's earlier post, can you imagine what kind of positive swing and MSM coverage a Rudy pick for McCain would give him?


Fredo said...

Well, it's right to guess right for a change.

Of course, it's still early. And if Mac goes with T-Paw, it remains to be seen if he's up to the challenge.


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