Sunday, August 03, 2008

Life is Worth Living

Meet Jack Priestley.

If he were a few decades younger with a lot of free time on his hands, he'd probably be an Occ Obs contributor. Except for one thing: he's far more disciplined than we are. He insists on a shot of whisky each and every day before breakfast:

Since his first puff in 1917 he has smoked 153,000 cigars and 715,400 cigarettes and drunk a shot of whisky in his morning cup of tea every day since the age of 24. He has not suffered any serious health problems related to smoking or drinking.

His mother-in-law got him hooked on whisky, which he drinks without fail as soon as he gets up, before he has even had breakfast.

"She said the best thing for a woman is for her to drink whisky before she does anything, every day," he said. "I don't feel my age. I've still the mind of a young man. But if I had the company of a good woman, I'm sure I'd feel 40 years younger in a flash."

Happy 100th Jack!



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