Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain-Palin '08!


Beetz McDogg said...

She's even an avid moose hunter. Hard to argue

SheaHeyKid said...

I'm going to assume that the McCain team vetted her ability to debate and present and she will be able to hold her ground there. If so, the pick is nothing short of brilliant. It completely stole all the media attention away from Obama; gives disaffected Hillary supporters a real reason to consider McCain-Palin; gets the support of the base; and really drives home the legitimacy of McCain's platform being cost cutting and fighting corruption.

Obama can talk about change all he wants; McCain/Palin have actually done it. If they are effective with their ads, they can drive this point home.

Fredo said...

While I worry about the mixed message it sends regarding the value of experience, Gov Palin seems like a great pick for all the reasons SHK mentioned.

As for the debate, I'm not sure that she's up to challenging Biden, but I'm not sure it matters much, either. So long as she's not embarrased. Hell, Quayle got embarrased, and the ticket still won.

Every reporter is going to want to play gotcha with her. "Oh, so you don't know who the past Prime Minister of Kazakhstan is? Biden met him 3 times." But she's got a great bio, both personally and politically. It's going to be hard for the Dems to tarnish her pro-family, pro-reform story.

In a nutshell: I wouldn't have made this pick, b/c I think McCain can beat Obama straight up, didn't need a "game-changer," and there are safer picks.

That said, I'm not exactly the target demographic for the pick, and if he succeeds in scraping younger voters and female voters from the undecided column, this surprising pick may go down as one of the few veep picks that really mattered.

Fredo said...

Dee Dee Myers encapsulated the Dem response to Palin at Vanity Fair:

It’s such a transparently political decision, a double-X Dan Quayle. McCain made the decision to double down on his credentials as a take-no-prisoners reformer. But he did so at the expense of the more important qualifications for a running mate.

It’s not political to say that John McCain turns 72 today. That he’s a cancer survivor. That he spent six years being tortured and abused in a Vietnamese prison camp. Those are the physical realities of his life, and pure and simple, they demanded that he chose a running mate who is ready, really ready. That he put country first. Today, he failed that test.

Worse, when Sarah Palin falls short—and I hope I’m wrong but I think in important ways, such as her debate with Joe Biden, she will—some people will conclude that women can’t cut it. That’s unfair to Sarah Palin—and it’s certainly unfair to the rest of us.

SheaHeyKid said...

What I love is that all the talk about Palin's inexperience can only lead back to one place: the same for Obama. Palin has been governor almost as long as Obama's been senator. They're both about the same age. Everyone knows governors have more relevant experience than senators, so if she's not ready to be VP, then how is Obama ready to be Prez???

Fredo said...

Glad we had a beetz sighting.

Hard to argue, indeed.


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