Thursday, August 07, 2008

Good news

McCain now leads Obama on 9 of 14 key issues, according to latest Rasmussen. Just a month or so ago Obama was preferred on 10 out of 10 key issues according to Rasmussen, so this marks a huge swing.

Don't be shocked to see Billary pull something at Dem Convention, I think they may have some move up their sleeve. The most passive move for them would be to simply sit back and hope Obama loses this year, so she is guaranteed nomination in 2012. But if they think Obama will win this year, I can see them lobbying superdelegates to make a switch.


Fredo said...

Drudge has a story up this morning confirming that Hill "still doesn't think Obama can win" and is considering pushing for a floor vote.

She will lose AND look silly. Both candidates will have egg on their faces.

Oh, good-ee.


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