Friday, August 22, 2008

Obama's veep

I'm feeling fairly vindicated for a change. I have believed right along that there was zero chance of Hill being veep, and it's now being confirmed that she didn't even make the short list. I said on Monday I thought that Kaine was Obama's first choice, I'm sticking to that. Despite the fact that Biden has led the buzz, and Chet Edward's is the flavor du jour, I'm guessing it's Kaine standing next to Obama on the podium tomorrow.


SheaHeyKid said...

I think it's highly unlikely he picks Hillary for all the reasons you mentioned, especially the fact that you now get two chiefs (Bill and Hillary) below you.

That said, if he WERE going to pick Hillary, he wouldn't need to vet her. As she's said, that's her advantage. She and Bill have already been as vetted as you can get. So she could be the dark horse pick.

Fredo said...

I guess you're right, but then again, if I was putting Hill on the ticket, I think I'd want to get past Bill's stonewalling and find out where all those Presidential Library donations came from.

Fredo said...

Well, I guess that makes me 1 for 2.

Anywho, I think Biden will ultimately undercut Obama's central theme. He may appeal to a certain demographic, but in the end, the best Obama can hope for with this pick is that it's a wash.

And if Biden shoots from the lip, it could end up much, much worse.

Obama: you made the wrong call. And I thought you were so much smarter than that.


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