Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Candidate Quiz

Courtesy of Beets McDogg via email, comes this link to a fun candidate quiz that he asked me to post:


ManBeast said...

Got Fred as my closest match with McCain second.

SheaHeyKid said...

Wow, I almost died of a burst artery when the best matches popped up after I took the quiz. For some reason it jumped to the bottom of the list, and I only saw three names (in this order): Hillary, Dodd, and Gravel. I was like, wow, how in the F is this possible? Then I realized it had scrolled down for some reason.

My top matches are: Fred and Duncan (tied), Huck, McCain, Mitt, and Rudy. I sort of already knew that Fred and Duncan were good matches, but figured they were unelectable since Fred seems lazy and Duncan wasn't going to get the nod. To be honest, though, I'm on the fence on a few questions and with a small revision I'm sure those top 6 could juggle into almost any order (except for Rudy who would probably always be lower).

The one thing that is clear is that I am in good agreement with Republicans and not Democrats.

dark commenteer said...

For me it's Rudy, Mitt, then a tie between Hunter and McCain.

Fredo said...

I got McCain and then Huck/Fred/Hunter tied for second.

While I agreed with McCain, I disagreed with him on two of the issues I rated as most important. Guess this isn't meant to be "scientific"


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