Saturday, January 26, 2008

Crist endorses McCain

Here's the clip.

This was the biggest get out there (well, second biggest) and McCain needed it. Mitt's surging and in a race this tight, momentum is gold. Crist will bring a lot to the table. His endorsement probably ensures that it will stay close and Mitt won't run away with a 10 point win.

Unless Jeb endorses him, that is.


SheaHeyKid said...

It will be interesting to see if Crist and Martinez's endorsements are enough to give McCain the win. I think they might be coming too late. Of all voters who were "certain" who they were voting for in FL last week, Romney was #1. Also, voters don't seem to be following endorsements much this year, although that may be different in FL where the population is much older and probably puts more stock into them.


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