Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fait Accompli

The MSM should have been careful what they wished for. It's been clear the past several months, and in particular the last few weeks, that John McCain is who they want on Repub side. No doubt they want his run to end on Nov. 4 '08 and will do everything in their power to cut him down once he's nominated, but unfortunately for them he's not going to lose in the general. I am confident that McCain will beat Hillary and Obama, not just based on the head-to-head polls, but also based on people I know who would tend to vote for Dem and have said they will vote for McCain if he's the nominee. The MSM has created McCain, and soon they will get to watch him destroy their beloved Dem nominee.

McCain's win in FL came because of strong support from seniors and Hispanics, unfortunately probably because of his non-conservative stances on prescription drug companies and illegal immigration (exit polls indicated only a minority wanted deportation of illegals).

However, if McCain is the eventual party nominee, I'll take him 100 times over Hillary or Obama. At least with McCain you're getting conservative positions on a lot of other issues of importance, whereas you're getting the worst position on every issue with the Dems.


Fredo said...

Wow. That was better than a cup of coffee.

What a pick-me-up to get on the internets in the morning and read SHK b-slapping the MSM and predicting a GOP victory in November.

SheaHeyKid said...

Grazie Fredo.. Better than a cup of coffee, perhaps, but not better than a cup of coffee and a bacon, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich!


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