Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Huckabee needs some Huck-a-bills

Huck's campaign apparently nearly out of cash, with several top aides going without pay and others quitting recently. Certainly a 3rd or 4th place finish in FL (which is likely given polls from last month) should mean the end of the road for him. A 3rd place finish by Rudy would mean he is in effect also done (I don't think he could overcome the negative momentum of a loss in FL and still win CA, NY, and NJ), leaving us with the two-man race of Mitt and McCain.

If Huck were to be the front-runner, it is a very troubling sign that he has been unable to raise sufficient money to compete. It either shows that: (a) he has not assembled an effective team for fundraising, and/or (b) he has been unable to tap a support base with large funds. Either way, it would spell difficulty if he was competing in the general election. Of course, I assume once the Republican nominee is selected, funds will start rolling in from across the party base almost regardless of who it is. But even still, to have any chance of winning in the general, we need a candidate who is exceptionally well-funded, well-organized, and able to fight to the fullest.



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