Tuesday, January 29, 2008

NOW - What a Farce

This organization continues to prove itself to be a complete joke and totally irrelevant. The NY chapter is blasting Kennedy for endorsing Obama, with this to say:

"Women have forgiven Kennedy, stuck up for him, stood by him, hushed the fact that he was late in his support of Title IX, the ERA, the Family Leave and Medical Act to name a few."

Hmmmm, would the "name a few" imply Chappaquiddick by any chance???

Then, this:

He’s joined the list of progressive white men who can’t or won’t handle the prospect of a woman president who is Hillary Clinton.

OK, first of all, if Kennedy was so bad for women's rights based on the list they provide above, WHY did NOW support him??? The same goes for Clinton: the guy has more publicly-known affairs than any public official I can recall, essentially objectifying women, yet NOW kept falling all over themselves to support all he had done to "advance the rights of women." How about this - if you want people to take you seriously as an organization, how about having at least ONE principle you will stand behind? Finally, if Kennedy's reason for not endorsing Hillary is that she's a woman, implying that he's somehow bigoted, do you really think he'd then pick Obama? Don't you think he would have picked John Edwards? The reason he picked Obama is likely a combination of some beef he had with the Clintons; a guess that Hillary would be too polarizing to win the general election; and thinking that he could have more influence over Obama with his minimal experience than Hillary.

Go Mitt!


Fredo said...

I'm a little less cynical than you regarding Teddy K. (wow, I never thought I'd say that).

I think Obama's campaign and supporters reflect the "anything is possible"/rose-colored glasses/ buoyant liberalism of the '60's. For Teddy and Caroline, I'm sure it tugs at their heartstrings and makes them remember what it felt like back when America was "sane," liberalism was mainstream, Jack was in the W.H., and Bobby was on deck. There's no question that Obama is more a Kennedy than Hillary, with his "Yes I can" optimisim, and his platitudes about change and possibilities. No hedges, convoluted answers and triangulation, a la Clinton.

So I guess what I'm saying is, behind the warped egocentrism, the guilt-ridden murderer's conscience, the bought-and-paid for voting record for the abortion and wealth redistribution lobby, and the alcohol and diabetes induced-haze, Teddy still might have a heart. I guess Obama reached what's left of it.

Fredo said...

Oh, and by the way, any organization for "women" that supports the idea that unborn women can be killed for a few bucks has long since forfeited any credibility.

Fredo said...

Weird: I check out Drudge a few minutes after I posted my first comment above and saw this link.

I should send my resume to the WaTimes!


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