Friday, January 25, 2008

McCain and Hillary: BFF?

At least according to Bill they are. Coming on the heels of his NYT endorsement this can't be good news for McCain headed into FL. As a republican voter one has to stop at some point and say, "Why do liberals love McCain so?" Of course, Bill being so calculating, I'm guessing he's most afraid of Hillary running against McCain given how well he polls against her, so this is his way of trying to turn Repub voters off from McCain and keep him from the nomination.


Fredo said...

I wasn't sure who the Dems feared more, McCain or Romney. After the past few days (Times endorsement, Clinton praise), it sees like they would rather help Mitt kill McCain now, than have to face McCain later.

SheaHeyKid said...

I am positive the Repub candidate the Dems are most scared of is McCain. He's the most likely one to be capable of beating both Hill and Obama, since he steals the most Ind and Dem votes.


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